District Committees

7-11 Committee (2024)


The Sacramento City Unified School District’s 7-11 committee advises the Board of Education on the reuse, repurposing and disposition of District properties not needed for school purposes.  The ÈËÆÞÂÒÂ× 7-11 Committee proceedings and its deliberations are open to the public. 

Under California law (Education Code sec. 17389), the Committee must have at least seven (7) members and no more than eleven(11) members who represent each of the following:

Black/African American Advisory Board (B/AAAB)


There is urgent work necessary to support our African American students in reaching their full potential. As educators and leaders in our community, we are obligated to change outcomes for African American students on a variety of key district student outcome indicators, including grade level readiness, graduation, A-G completion, and college and career readiness measurements.

Community Advisory Committee Page
CAC Information


The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) acts in an advisory capacity to the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA).  The Community Advisory Committee supports individuals with exceptional needs ages 0-22 years and their families who are served by the Sacramento City Unified School District. This committee provides an opportunity for parents, professionals and other community members to provide important input as it relates to our special education programs.

District Wellness Committee & Policy


For the first time in two centuries, the current generation of children in America are on trend to have shorter life expectancy than their parents. Only 4% ofAmerican children eat their recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables. Overconsumption of sugar and junk food have impacted health outcomes for ourstudents. Diet related diseases like Type 2 diabetes, obesity and heart disease are preventable when children regularly eat a healthy diet. Adopting these healthy behaviors is easier during childhood and adolescence, compared to changing unhealthy behaviors during adulthood.

LCAP Parent Advisory Committee


One key aspect of the LCAP process is the engagement of all community members. Staff, teachers, administrators, bargaining partners, community members, parents/guardians and students — including foster youth, homeless, and those from low-income and English learner communities — are to be consulted to provide feedback on the plan.

Student Advisory Council (SAC)


The Youth Voice priority of the YDSS department is multifaceted. One primary program centered in cultivating youth voice is the Student Advisory Council (SAC). The SAC is a year-round program that provides an opportunity for incoming 10th-12th grade students to critically research and analyze the problems currently facing ÈËÆÞÂÒÂ× youth, and organize to take action against those problems. The SAC strives to promote student voice within the district, recognizing youth as key leaders and changemakers. 

School Safety Task Force


The School Safety is a Task Force consists of grassroots organizations, student advocates, family serving organizations, caregivers and students. 

We are honored to have been tasked with the opportunity to identify and make recommendations to change systemic processes that historically generate inequity and disparity.  We aim to establish a new definition and approach to student and staff safety inclusive of the perspective, concerns and contribution of our community.