COVID Health & Safety Plan

COVID-19 Health & Safety Plan


If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19 they must stay home and report that to their school office or supervisor.  The school office/supervisor must report the case to for contact tracing. A school nurse will reach out to them and advise them on when to return to school/work.

Current CDPH guidance recommends a multi-layer strategy used to manage COVID-19 and serves as a general prevention framework to reduce the spread of multiple types of infections, including COVID-19, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and norovirus.  Strategies are guided by the principle that safe, in-person learning, and care are critical to the well-being and development of children. aligns our practices with Sacramento County Public Health (SCPH) and California Department of Health (CDPH) guidance which is based on current scientific knowledge and anticipated trends. will remain flexible in responding to changing public health conditions.  We will revise our plans as needed in accordance with the most current orders or guidance provided by SCPH and CDPH.

Many of the strategies used to address COVID-19 can protect school communities from other diseases and support healthy learning environments. We remain committed to doing all we can to support the health, safety and well-being of our schools and surrounding communities.

Screen for Symptoms and Stay Home When Sick

Staff and students must self-screen for symptoms at home daily. If a person is sick or exhibits , they may must stay home and follow the Stay Home Sick and Return Guidance.

Symptoms of COVID-19 illness include fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea . 

Allergies and other Chronic Conditions

Allergy symptoms are the same as early COVID-19 symptoms.  Many people who test positive for Covid remark, “I just thought it was my allergies.”  If a person has new or worsening allergy symptoms they should test to rule out COVID-19.   If the test is negative and symptoms improve they can come to work or school. Similarly students with other chronic conditions that have symptoms included in the Covid list are encouraged to test with a new onset and may return to school when symptoms improve.

COVID-19 Testing 

Used in combination with other mitigation strategies, COVID-19 testing is a valuable tool to support the health of our community. Testing may allow for early identification of cases and reduce transmission. Individuals are encouraged to stock a supply of over-the-counter (OTC) tests in their home and to test if they have any COVID-19 symptoms.

Subject to availability through CDPH, Over-the-counter (OTC) Tests are available from the school office.

Contact Tracing & Reporting COVID-19 Cases

The district follows Cal-Osha requirements for employers and CDPH guidance for schools for conducting contact tracing investigation and notification of exposed individuals.

  • Any staff member or student who tests positive for COVID-19 must immediately notify their school office, school-site administrator or supervisor.
  • The office, administrator or supervisor must immediately email the District COVID Response Team at
  • A contact tracer will call the individual or their parent/guardian to provide guidance for isolation and return to work/school, and will conduct an investigation to determine if there were any exposures requiring notification.
  • When there is an exposure to staff, exposure notices will be sent per Cal Osha requirements.
  • CDPH does not recommend exposure notices be sent to students unless directed by Sacramento COunty Public Health for significant outbreaks.

See Basic Isolation and Quarantine Guidance for Families, Students and Staff for further details and guidance.

COVID-19 Vaccine

CDPH strongly recommends that all persons eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine receive them at the first opportunity. COVID-19 vaccines authorized by the FDA have been shown to be safe and effective.Vaccines help our immune system fight infections in the future. COVID-19 vaccines protect us from the virus that causes COVID-19 without having to get the illness.

operates an Immunization Clinic through the program and is able to provide recommended vaccines, such as the COVID-19 vaccine to eligible students.

Face Masks

Face masks are an effective measure to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases including COVID-19. Face masks, particularly high-quality and well-fitting masks, are effective, inexpensive, and easy to implement tools to protect oneself and others. All sites will maintain a supply of masks for staff and students.

No person can be prevented from wearing a mask as a condition of participation in an activity or entry into a venue or business including schools, unless wearing a mask would pose a safety hazard.

  • Wear a Face Mask  in the following situations:
    • Students that test postive for COVID-19 are recommended to wear a face mask through day 10.
    • Employees that test postive for COVID-19 are required to wear a face mask through day 10.
    • Individuals at increased risk or who are in close contact with those at high risk.
    • See the CDC Guide , for further information.


is ensuring there is sufficient ventilation in all school classrooms and shared workspaces per the and the .

  • HVAC filters are replaced per manufacturer recommendations.  HVAC units that can be retrofitted to accept MERV-13 filters have been; portable HEPA filtration systems are available and shall be used in all other spaces and are designed for the size of the space.
  • HVAC units are programmed to turn-on and run continuously for a minimum of 2 hours before and for a minimum of 2 hours after classrooms are occupied.
  • The HVAC system is designed to maximize the circulation and filtration of air.  Windows and doors may be opened so long as it is deemed safe to do so.
  • Portable HEPA filtration units have been provided for spaces that need additional filtration considerations such as cafeterias and other school/work spaces. Portable HEPA filtration units provided to spaces MUST be plugged-in and utilized correctly.  
    • Work with your SPOM for filter changes when a red light appears.
    • Portable HEPA filtration units should be placed in an area where air flow is not obstructed.

Poor Air Quality 

Schools must balance the COVID-19 prevention benefits of ventilation and outdoor activity with the outdoor air quality.  On projected poor air quality days schools will monitor and websites for air quality readings. When the Air Quality Index (AQI) is poor schools are advised to close windows and doors.

When you can visibly see or smell smoke or AQI is 151 or over:

  • Close all windows and doors
  • Adjust HVAC systems to prevent outdoor air from being pulled into the building when possible
  • Ensure all portable HEPA units are properly in use
  • Eat in the multiple purpose room, other available spaces, or the classroom
  • Move outdoor activities indoors
  • Follow all guidance issued by CDPH or SCPH about air quality and COVID mitigation

Hand Washing & Respiratory Hygiene

All students and staff should wash hands frequently. Soap products marketed as “antimicrobial” are not necessary or recommended. If soap and water are not available, use district-approved greater than 60% ethyl alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Training on effective hand washing and use of sanitizer must be provided to all students and staff. Children under age 9 should only use hand sanitizer under adult supervision. Call Poison Control if consumed: 1-800-222-1222.

The following guidelines are recommended for school settings:

  • Upon arrival to the school site 
  • Before lunch
  • Before leaving the site
  • Upon entry to any new classroom
  • When using the restroom
  • When visibly dirty
  • After using a tissue, coughing into hands
  • Upon arriving home

Use  at all times on site. Once a tissue is used, throw it away in a waste container and then wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer. Do not touch the face.  Reinforce cough/sneeze etiquette, including use of tissues and elbows by using signage, training, and lessons. 

Supporting Mental Well-Being

The Covid pandemic has deeply impacted the mental health and well-being of our entire community.  Impacts to economic stability, housing, education, access to physical and mental health care, basic needs and the loss of loved ones continue and are exacerbated in many communities facing systemic inequities and health disparities. Coping strategies are taxed or exhausted, leading to a range of emotional and behavioral responses for adults and children. The uncertainty of evolving variants coupled with constantly changing conditions and requirements has led to an increase in anxiety and depression symptoms. 

remains committed to meeting the needs of our staff and students during this time of collective crisis and is working to expand mental health support to all school sites.  ’s Student Support Centers provide a spectrum of integrated support to all students and families that spans the areas of youth development, family services, academic enrichment, health and mental health services and supports.

  • To find the most current listing of Student Support Center staff assigned to schools – visit /supportcentersites.  
  • All families, students and staff may also access Care Solace – a complimentary and confidential service to find mental health or substance use care available regardless of your insurance status. Care Solace’s team is available 24/7/365 and can support you in any language.
    • Call 888-515-0595 available 24/7/365
    • Visit and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.