Press Releases

Press release

McClatchy Alum Killed in Iraq to be Honored at Saturday’s ‘Bell Game’
Family, school to be presented with plaque from Fallen Warriors; scholarship established in Sgt. Duplantier’s name

With Veteran’s Day approaching, a C.K. McClatchy High School alumnus killed in Iraq will be honored on Saturday with the announcement of a scholarship in his name.

Sgt. Arnold Duplantier II was killed by sniper fire while on patrol in Baghdad on June 22, 2005 – just days after his 26th birthday. Sgt. Duplantier had previously served in Kuwait in 2002. He left behind a wife, two children and his mother and father.

Press release

City Councilman McCarty, to Open New Community Garden
Ribbon-cutting on Saturday to be followed by Camellia Basic School Harvest Festival with the Kings, Fire Department

and Sacramento City Councilman Kevin McCarty will officially open a new community garden next to Camellia Basic School on Saturday (October 29).

Camellia Park Community Garden, located in the park adjacent to Camellia Basic, will be available for use by the school and neighbors. City Councilman McCarty and Board of Education President Gustavo Arroyo will cut the ribbon at the new garden at 10 a.m. on Saturday.

Press release

Urges Safe Halloween Fun for Boys and Ghouls…er…Girls
District also seeks neighborhood help in protecting schools

Sacramento City Unified officials are urging parents to follow common sense safety guidelines this Halloween (Monday, October 31) to ensure a fun, worry-free holiday for students and families.

“We want to see every student in class on Tuesday morning ready to learn,” said Sacramento Police Lt. Katherine Lester, who heads security services. “That can only happen if adults make sure that kids adhere to rules about safe walking, safe trick-or-treating and safe snacking.”

Press release

Takes Swift Action in Response to Conduct Investigation
Woodbine Elementary School employee immediately removed from campus; parents notified by phone and letter

Sacramento City Unified School District moved quickly this morning to remove a Woodbine Elementary School preschool program employee from campus in response to allegations of inappropriate conduct.

District officials placed the employee on administrative leave immediately after learning of allegations of inappropriate conduct with a student and a pending police investigation. The district is working closely with police on the investigation.

Press release

School Hosts Early Morning ‘Read and Feed’ to Push Family Literacy
Event at John Sloat Elementary School TOMORROW aimed at encouraging parents to read with children

The family that reads together succeeds together.
That’s the message John Sloat Elementary School hopes to get across tomorrow with its first annual “Read and Feed,” an early morning snack-and-a-book event for parents and children.

“Read and Feed” begins at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow (Wednesday, October 19) in the John Sloat Elementary School cafeteria, 7525 Candlewood Way. Media must check in with the school office on arrival.

Press release

A) Kids Help Shatter World Reading Record on Thursday
Students at 30 elementary schools to participate in ‘Read for the Record’ with 2 million others nationwide

Thousands of students will participate in “Read for the Record” on Thursday, a nationwide campaign to break the world record for the most adults and children reading the same book on the same day.

The book is “Llama Llama Red Pajama” by Anna Dewdney, a sweet rendering of the trials of bedtime separation anxiety that is a favorite among young children. In classrooms across Sacramento City Unified, teachers will be reading the book to students, many using projectors to show the colorful illustrations on wide screens.

Press release

Opens $9.3 Million Sports Complex TOMORROW
Luther Burbank High’s football team to play first home game since 2008

Officially, Luther Burbank High School’s homecoming is November 4. But TOMORROW (Friday, September 23), the team will literally “come home” when the Titans play their first game in three years on their own turf, thanks to the opening of a new $9.3 million sports complex.

A celebratory ribbon-cutting ceremony with student athletes, cheerleaders, the marching band and more will be held at 10 a.m. on Friday, September 23, at the new Sports Complex.

Press release

School to House California’s First Hmong Immersion Program
Opening ceremony tonight will include Hmong dancers, singers and a classroom tour

Susan B. Anthony Elementary School will open this fall with California’s first Hmong language immersion class – part of ’s ambitious plan to graduate high-achieving, bilingual and bicultural students ready to compete in the future global marketplace.

A grand opening ceremony for the Hmong Dual Language Immersion Program will be held from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. tonight (Thursday, September 1), at the school, 7864 Detroit Blvd.

The opening event will include cultural performances, food and classroom tours.

Press release

Neighbors asked to help protect schools over Labor Day
Metal thieves, vandals prey on schools during long holiday weekends

SACRAMENTO, CA: Labor Day is a day of rest for most in Sacramento, but it can be a day of busy activity for vandals, thieves and arsonists looking to take advantage of empty school campuses.

In light of this, is asking the community for help in keeping schools safe and secure over the three-day break (September  3-5).

“Most of our schools are surrounded by homes, and we need those neighbors to join us in protecting these valuable and sometimes vulnerable community centers,” said Sacramento Police Lt. Katherine Lester, who heads security services.

Press release

to Unveil Much-Anticipated Results of Bold School Reform Effort
Data on ‘Priority Schools’ revealed at press conference with State Superintendent Tom Torlakso

Superintendent Jonathan Raymond will reveal the results of the
district’s aggressive initiative to turnaround low-performing schools during Wednesday’s press conference with State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson.

The press conference will be at 11:45 a.m. on Wednesday, August 31, in the library of Oak Ridge Elementary School, 4501 Martin Luther King Blvd.

Press release

Test Scores Appear to Validate ’s School Reform Efforts
‘Priority Schools’ students make big gains on state test

Sacramento: State test score data released today suggests that Sacramento City Unified School District’s bold initiative to turn around low-performing schools is working.

Students in the Superintendent’s Priority Schools made nearly across-the-board gains in math and English on the California Standards Tests (CSTs) administered last spring, validating a host of reforms
implemented at those campuses last year.

Press release

Neighbors asked to help protect schools over long summer break

For many Sacramento families summer is a time of fun as school-year schedules give way to more leisurely days. But for school officials on tight budgets, summer can be a time of high anxiety as worry sets in over the safety of vacant campuses.

Vandals, arsonists and thieves are of particular concern, especially those who cripple school air-conditioning and electrical systems by stealing copper and aluminum parts – crimes that cost taxpayers money and take away needed school resources.

Press release

Teen Trend: Loafing? Out. Community Service? In.
More than 800 students trade lazy days on the couch for helping their neighborhoods, schools

Research shows that “millennials” – teens and people in their 20s – are civic-minded and socially conscious. Proof of that trend can be found right here in Sacramento, where more than 800 middle and high school students volunteered to spend six weeks of their summer vacation serving the community.

The teens participated in “Summer of Service,” Sacramento City Unified School District’s innovative, service-learning initiative that gives kids leadership and teamwork skills and gives the community teams of enthusiastic young helpers.

Board Update
This graphic describes the Classroom Walkthough Process.

Teachscape Training, Bond Funding Update, and more

A Teachscape follow-up training session for principals and Central Office administrators was held on Thursday at the former Genesis High School site. The half-day session focused on the examination of data collected from the classroom walkthroughs completed by site administrators and district personnel between January and June. The focus of the session was to revisit the classroom walkthrough process (below) with an emphasis on extracting data gathered through the Teachscape reporting feature. The session emphasized the reflective dialogue that should occur after the data is isolated and presented.

Press release

Plans Surprise Party for Returning Fruit Ridge Students
Follow up to February: Kids will tour freshly repaired Oak Park campus for the first time since asbestos scare

Sacramento – Students returning to the newly upgraded Fruit Ridge Elementary School in Oak Park – the site of an asbestos scare in February – will be surprised with a tour of their remodeled campus and an ice cream party on Friday.

The surprise celebration will begin at 1:30 p.m. on Friday (June 17) when students return on buses to the Oak Park campus, located at 4625 44th St. To catch the children’s reactions, media should plan to be at the school prior to the arrival of buses at 1:30 p.m.

Press release

Phoebe Hearst Sixth-Grader Wins Distinguished Student Award

(Sacramento) – A sixth grade student at Phoebe Hearst Elementary School is the California winner of the Nicholas Green Distinguished Student Award, sponsored by the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC).

Olivia Sison was honored for her achievements in dance, excellence in academics and her demonstrated leadership abilities. Olivia is president of the Phoebe Hearst Student Council, a Girl Scout, a skilled ballerina, a member of the Middle School Speech and Debate League and is taking algebra at Kit Carson Middle School as a sixth grader.

Press release

Begins News Era with One-Stop Enrollment Center
New center replaces school site enrollment, gives parents equal shot at school choice

For decades, parents in Sacramento have trudged through a familiar scene: a few weeks or days before school starts, they head to their school of choice, records in hand, and hope to get their children enrolled – sometimes against stiff competition for space.

Parents with children in several different schools had to trek all over the city to enroll students at multiple campuses. Even more confusing, the enrollment procedures could differ between schools. And parents who didn’t speak English well could have an especially difficult time getting children enrolled.