Statement from Superintendent Jonathan Raymond about Budget Talks Breakdown

Press release

Sacramento City Unified School District Superintendent Jonathan P. Raymond issued the following statement today in response to Governor Jerry Brown’s announcement that he has halted budget negotiations with Republican Legislators:

“Gov. Brown’s announcement today that he has stopped discussions with various Republican legislators about the state budget is disappointing. My colleagues and I at the Sacramento City Unified School District urge the Republican legislators to immediately agree to support the call for a special election to allow the voters to decide for themselves whether to extend the taxes that are due to expire at the end of June.

“In our district alone, more than 400 teachers will lose their jobs, classrooms will be crammed full with as many as 40 children, sports and band and other extra-curricular programs will be shut down, and many elective courses will be halted in our school district unless the Legislature closes the budget gap.

“Our children deserve better than this. We urge the members of the Legislature to look long and hard in the mirror and do the right thing for children. Our kids should not be held as political hostages at the Capitol. Their futures are at stake, and so is California’s. We urge the Legislature to act now to put the tax extension on the ballot. It’s not too late. We urge the Legislature and the Governor to continue negotiations.”