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School or Department: Date (mm/dd/yy):  Name of Employee Recommended: Name of Absent Employee: Employee's Classification: Absent Employee's Classification: Employees Social Security Number:Dates Additional Duties Are to be Performed: From (mm/dd/yy): To (mm/dd/yy):Reason for Absence (Type X to Select Box):  FORMCHECKBOX  Vacation  FORMCHECKBOX  Illness  FORMCHECKBOX  Resigned  FORMCHECKBOX  OtherDescribe the additional duties to be performed which are in addition to the employee's present duties, and give the approximate percent of time the employee will spend in performing such additional duties.__________________________________________ Administrator's Signature__________________________________________ Operations Services (when required)DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Disposition of Request by Budget Services:( Approved( Disapproved________________________________________________________ SignatureDisposition of Request by Human Resource Services:Mr./Mrs./Ms. ___________________________________ ( is ( is not authorized to be paid an additional $______________ per hour for the period ________________________ to ________________________.________________________________________________________ Signature ApprovalDistribution: Payroll Services; Employee; Human Resource Services 01/14/05, Rev. A PSL-F032 Page 1 of 2 Procedures Before a classified employee may be compensated for performing higher-level duties, approval must first be obtained from the appropriate Director of Human Resource Services. This approval is obtained by submitting a "Request for Working Out of Classification" form. A request should be submitted only under the following conditions: 1. The employee is required to perform the higher classification for more than three (3)working days within a fifteen (15) calendar-day period. 2. The higher-level duties to be performed are those of an absent classified employee. 3. The higher-level duties do not fall within the recommended employee's job classification. 4. The assignment of the higher-level duties is not expected to last more than two months. 5. This is due into Human Resource Services Services prior to submitting the Monthly Absence Report, or Per Diem Time Report, as the case may be. 6. If the time period covers more than one (1) month, a Vacancy Requisition needs to be used instead of Working Out of Classification Form. When the above conditions exist, complete and submit a "Request for Working Out of Classification" form to the appropriate Director of Human Resource Services. After Budget Services and Human Resource Services review the request, a copy will be returned to the originating administrator indicating the disposition of the request and, if approved, the additional compensation authorized. When approval is received, the administrator in charge is to indicate in the remarks column of the monthly absence report those days on which the employee performed the higher-level duties. 01/14/05, Rev. 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