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Hint you can use decimals also. Using a coordinate plane, plot the following ordered pairs: (10, 2) and (-10,2). First, create a line segment. Then, plot the points which divide the segment into first halves, then quarters. Name the ordered pairs you have plotted. How many total units were on your line segment? How many units was each quarter? Using the number line to show that 4/3 = (5x4)/(5x3) Using a number line, show 8-1/2 as an equivalent fraction. Using the number line, show an equivalent fraction to 3/4. Explain your answer. Using a number line, determine the difference between 2 1/4 and 1 1/8. Explain your answer. Using the number line, show 1/4 is equal to 2/8. Using a number line, show three fractions that are equivalent to 1/2. Using the number line provided, find the 5th number in this pattern: (7, 12, 17 ...) Tell the rule you discovered and how you extended it on the number line to find your answer. Use the number line to show 8 minus 15. What is the greater number 6 or -20 Be ready to explain your answer Use the number line to show that 7/8 is greater than 3/4 and that 3/8 is less than Using the number line provided, show at least three different ways to represent 50 x 5. Explain your favorite representation to a partner. Analyze your partner's representation for accuracy. Reflect. Does your partner's method make you want to try the problem another way? Using the number line, show in three different ways that 921 - 215 is between 700 and 750. Using the number line, show the fraction seven fourths two different ways. 47  ./01234l ' ( ) = _ ` 8 9 l n  o s t w z {   m o CEĺhw|th/ h (hV|h (h\5CJ$h\$h~@h\CJOJPJQJ^JaJh (h (5CJ$ h (5CJ$h (h (5CJ$H* hK5CJ$C/012opkd$$Ifl d$," t0644 lap yt~@d$If^gd~@l gd (234` 9 m  n yyyyyyyyyyy & Fgd ( & Fgd/ gd (pkd$$Ifld$," t0644 lap yt~@n D e*y & Fgd (  dg)+yh (hV|hw|t(. 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